![web signature](http://isisstorm.files.wordpress.com/2011/01/web-signature.jpg?w=490&h=112)
Tune in today from 4-6 PM for a special, RADIO TOWN HALL edition of Sonic Watermelons on BSR. Our goal is to examine the possibilities of opposition without alienation, and our guest include local and national speakers.
PROVIDENCE, RI – On Saturday, January 8, the country learned about an assassination attempt on an elected official from Arizona. In the process of the attack, the gunman hit Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords in the head, took the lives of 6 individuals, and injured over a dozen others.
This happened the same week that RI’s newly elected governor and attorney general announced decisions or affirmations about immigration policy that some viewed as diametrically opposed. It also happened during the same week in which the new Republican-controlled House of Representatives in Washington, DC eliminated voting rights of six delegates representing areas such as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and American Samoa.
An assassination attempt on a woman in office in a polarized state, a polarizing issue that just got stickier here in RI, and the disenfranchisement of millions of American citizens, including in our nation’s capital. We’ve got to talk.
Join “Venus Sings and Isis Storm” on Brown Student and Community Radio for a “Town Hall Meeting” on Monday, January 10, 2011, with special guests, Washington-DC based “emancipatory” journalist, college professor and hip hop educator, Jared Ball; Cheryl Contee aka “Jill Tubman” of Jack & Jill Politics, a blog offering a black bourgeiose perspective on U.S. politics; Dr. Toby Ayers of Rhode Island for Community and Justice, a non-profit organization that works to unify diverse communities in RI; and Providence community leader and Native American historian-activist, Raymond Watson.
We will be digging deeper into the recent news, yet we’ll focus on what we can all do to better practice opposition with alienation. Grab a Slice, Nourish your Mind, and Spit Seeds with Venus Sings and Isis Storm.
Sonic Watermelons
Examining Opposition without Alienation
Hear it live or archived: www.bsrlive.com
Studio phonelines: 401-863-9277
Contact: www.IsisStorm.com, www.VenusSings.com
Presented by Venus Sings and Isis Storm
Because the World is a Big Place
With Big Ideas and Lots and Lots of Music
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